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Episode 6

Giving New Life Through X-linked Hypophosphatemia Research

After a lifetime of treating her rare bone disease, X-linked hypophosphatemia, a patient is at the end of her rope. She’s in pain, frustrated, and nothing seems to help. So when a clinical trial presents itself, her doctor isn’t sure she’ll want to participate. While the decision to participate is surprising, the results of the clinical trial are astonishing.

Episode 5

The Bumpy Road to Hypoparathyroidism Diagnosis and Treatment

A 45-year-old is out for a drive. As she accelerates her stick-shift car, she starts to experience familiar, and scary, symptoms: facial tingling, numbness around her mouth, and her hands cramp and lock onto the steering wheel. Eventually, she is diagnosed with hypoparathyroidism.

Episode 2

The Power and Potential of GACI Clinical Trials

What’s thought to be a case of newborn hiccups unravels to a grim diagnosis: generalized arterial calcification of infancy, or GACI, a rare genetic condition with a challenging prognosis.

Episode 1

Biosimilars and the Quiet Revolution in Medicine

A 62-year-old falls and fractures her wrist. This simple fracture reveals underlying osteoporosis, requiring lifelong (and expensive) medication. But this is where biosimilars come in.