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Episode 5

Unraveling How a Hemophilia Diagnosis Went Undetected for 60 Years

Despite signs throughout his life, it was only after unforeseen complications of a simple procedure that a 61-year-old patient received the hemophilia diagnosis that had long evaded him. Hear this patient’s journey to a proper diagnosis.

Episode 3

The History of Hemophilia and Its Evolution Toward Preventive Care

About 40 years ago a mother brought her 6-month-old child into the hospital, covered in bruises. Diagnosed with severe hemophilia and with only reactive treatment options available, normal childhood activities could lead to devastating bleeds.

Episode 2

Undoing the Long-Held Misunderstandings of Hemophilia in Women

A 30-year-old was in labor with her first child. Everything was going to plan … until it wasn’t. In this episode, hear a story that illustrates how a long-held misunderstanding of hemophilia in women has had severe consequences.

Episode 1

The Ups and Downs of Hemophilia Treatment

For decades, a patient suffered from joint disease caused by severe bleeding in his knees from a rare blood disorder — hemophilia A. The patient was born in the 1960s, a time when his life expectancy was only 10 years.